
Monday, March 23, 2009





二 什么是中间件 


图1 中间件






远程过程调用(Remote Procedure Call) 
面向消息的中间件(Message-Oriented Middleware) 
对象请求代理(Object Request Brokers) 










程序与网络复杂性相隔离: 程序将消息放入消息队列或从消息队列中取出消息来进行通讯,与此关联的全部活动,比如维护消息队列、维护程序和队列之间的关系、处理网络的重新启动和在网络中移动消息等是MOM的任务,程序不直接与其它程序通话,并且它们不涉及网络通讯的复杂性。 


随着对象技术与分布式计算技术的发展,两者相互结合形成了分布对象计算,并发展为当今软件技术的主流方向。1990年底,对象管理集团OMG首次推出对象管理结构OMA(Object Management Architecture),对象请求代理(Object Request Broker)是这个模型的核心组件。它的作用在于提供一个通信框架,透明地在异构的分布计算环境中传递对象请求。CORBA规范包括了ORB的所有标准接口。1991年推出的CORBA 1.1 定义了接口描述语言OMG IDL和支持Client/Server对象在具体的ORB上进行互操作的API。CORBA 2.0 规范描述的是不同厂商提供的ORB之间的互操作。 




事务处理监控(Transaction processing monitors)最早出现在大型机上,为其提供支持大规模事务处理的可靠运行环境。随着分布计算技术的发展,分布应用系统对大规模的事务处理提出了需求,比如商业活动中大量的关键事务处理。事务处理监控界于client和server之间,进行事务管理与协调、负载平衡、失败恢复等,以提高系统的整体性能。它可以被看作是事务处理应用程序的“操作系统”。总体上来说,事务处理监控有以下功能: 


图2 事务处理监控



Sunday, March 15, 2009
















多大排量的a6?你们那边人真牛 看见a6感觉很牛吗 老子开a6 怎么感觉有点丢人啊,开这么多年好车怎么没有美女搭讪啊

Thursday, March 12, 2009



由于最近想用GAE(GOOGLE APP ENGINGE)来写一些应用,给广大人民使用。

只有c 与汇编以及c++,和basic的学习经验。
迫切想要找到一个快速的学习python的资料,昨晚看到半夜,看O' Reilly出版社的Learning Python和Programming Python,




Tuesday, March 10, 2009


我的VS2008最近在我开发DNN 模块时,在ascx文件第一行出现'/LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT/' IIS APPLICATION 类似的提示。

Monday, March 9, 2009



某天,放无薪假的蚯蚓爸爸闲的发慌  于是….



忽然间 ,她想到一个可赚钱又可解闷的好主意……


这…. 到底是为什么?







Tuesday, March 3, 2009

ReportViewer 控件 (Visual Studio)

ReportViewer 控件 (Visual Studio)
Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 包括报表设计功能和 ReportViewer 控件,使您可以将功能完整的报表添加到自定义应用程序。报表可以包含表格格式数据、聚合数据和多维数据。提供 ReportViewer 控件的目的是可以处理和显示应用程序中的报表。控件有两种版本。ReportViewer Web 服务器控件用于在 ASP.NET 项目中驻留报表。ReportViewer Windows 窗体控件用于在 Windows 应用程序项目中驻留报表。


Monday, March 2, 2009

I find the article about DNN use reportviewer

use microsoft report viewer

Now, I am try to use
microsoft report viewer. in vs 2008

I give up the VML 3D report pie chart and bar chart solution

I give up the VML 3D report pie chart and bar chart solution in DNN.
I will implement use Crystal report.
but without the animation effects.


全自定义功能sql搜索查询datagridview 牛多查询条件

Friday, February 27, 2009

转一个求职经验文,网上求职招聘精品文章 find net job tips

   最好的简历标题,首推应聘销售岗位的人——“X年岗位经验诚心求职XXX部门XXX岗位 姓名 139XXXXXX”
   我见过一个简历,4次离职。A工作离职原因:公司管理混乱 B工作离职原因:没有发展空间 C工作离职原因:离家太远。 D工作离职原因:工作氛围不好。
   建议可以写。静候佳音、祝您心情愉快。落款 XXX,联系方式,日期(要写日期哦,HR看人看细节的)。

VML3维柱状图和饼图,动态 动画 vs2008 vs2005 vs2003全支持 asp.net编译

VML3维柱状图和饼图,动态 动画 vs2008 vs2005 vs2003全支持 asp.net编译




VML制作 web工作流工具,web版制作图形工具




asp.net制作3d报表,利用Javascript 结合 VML 生成三维报表(饼图)

  前几天看了Jmtek 的 这篇文章,写得的确不错,控件也非常好。只是只能供我们使用 DotNet 的朋友们使用。最近在网上比较流行 AJAX 技术,于是萌生了在 AJAX 下实现这种效果的想法。最终决定采用一个文本文件作为数据源,Javascript 动态生成 VML 代码。实现后的效果还比较可以,生成的图表效果和 Jmtek 的控件效果差不多,并且能够在文本数据内容发生改变时无刷新的更新图表,更新数据也非常方便。

  这段代码的最大特点是:移植性非常好,只需将两个文件放在任意一个目录下即可运行,这样爱好 JAVA 的朋友也可实现这种效果了。






前段时间写了Flex和JavaScript互操作, 本篇介绍Silverlight和Html/Javascript的互操作性.当然Silverlight可以使用多种托管语言, 我这里使用C#.


先介绍一下System.Windows.Browser命名空间下的几个类, 接着介绍Silverlight如何操纵Html元素, 最后介绍如何从Javascript调用Silverlight的方法, 以及Silverlight调用Javascript方法.


Silverlight提供了一组对象来描述Html文档对象模型(DOM), 包括HtmlPage, HtmlDocument, HemlElement, HtmlElementCollection, 等等. 我们可以通过这些对象从Silverlight访问Html页面的内容, 如获取某个Html元素, 导航到新的URL等.(ps:Silverlight 1.1 Complete API List )

首先看HtmlPage类, 其提供了浏览器信息的静态属性BrowserInformation;提供的静态方法Navigate, 可以方便的跳转到其他的web页.提供了Document属性访问Html Dom, 有了它就可以干很多事了

HtmlDocument/HemlElement类用来访问DOM, 有了DOM就可以像Javascript一样做任何事了.

注意: 如果需要Silverlight可以访问Html页面的内容, 在创建Silverlight控件的时候必须将enableHtmlAccess设为true.


想象Javascript是怎么访问Html元素的, Silverlight也同样可以.

修改页面属性:如修改页面标题, HtmlPage.Document.SetProperty("title", "new title");


HtmlElement elem = HtmlPage.Document.GetElementByID("btn");
elem.SetAttribute("value", "haha");

elem.AttachEvent("onclick", delegate(object sender, HtmlEventArgs he){
// ...


Javascript要想调用Silverlight, Silverlight必须通过DOM提供给Javascript一个可操作的对象.

新建一个silverlight项目, 修改Page.xaml.cs如下:

Thursday, February 26, 2009

GridView sort function implementation

GridView sort function implementation
Since dataset does not support sorting, so the dataset bound to the GridView can not be used after the GridView sorting capabilities, required to manually sort Sorting event of GridView implementation, through the DataView's Sort feature to sort the GridView, the following is an example
protected void grv_Messenge_Sorting(object sender, GridViewSortEventArgs e)
string sortExpression = e.SortExpression;
if (GridViewSortDirection == SortDirection.Ascending) //设置排序方向
GridViewSortDirection = SortDirection.Descending;
SortGridView(sortExpression, " DESC");
GridViewSortDirection = SortDirection.Ascending;
SortGridView(sortExpression, " ASC");

* 函数名:SortGridView,即对GridView进行排序
* 创建时间:2007年11月7日
* 功能描述:自定义GridView的排序方法,通过DataView中的排序方法对GridView的数据进行排序
* 输入参数:用于排序的关联表达式,排序的方向(升序或降序)
* 使用示例:SortGridView( sortExpression, "DESC")
* 返回值说明:无返回值
private void SortGridView(string sortExpression, string direction)
DataSet ds = GetData(); //查找数据源
DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];

DataView dv = new DataView(dt);
dv.Sort = sortExpression + direction;
grv_Messenge.DataSource = dv; //将DataView绑定到GridView上


Inside the GridView to be set up to sort out the SortExpression, and the opening can be a sort

Thursday, February 19, 2009

this is I send help message to EF 3.5 SUPPORTER

I use EF 3.5.
When I submited the forms, after the forms textbox display the old input information.

I want to implement when I submited the forms, it display the new forms wait for input new information to the forms.

How to implement this.

thank you.

Post the mail to EF 3.5 team

I receive your mail and you say
"Please be advised that Enterprise Forms does support AJAX calls in form submissions provided non-ajax fields are not used within the form. The only non-ajax type fields are Rich Text Editor and Field Upload. If your form does not use any of the fields mentioned above during form submission only the form module is updated and not the complete page.


I think that " The only non-ajax type fields are Rich Text Editor and Field Upload"

may be "file upload", isn't it?

and another question I want to know:

Because Report of EF 3.5 (that I was using just now) not support Chinese report filed name, it display like that "amp26469amp30005amp20869amp234". It's not we wanted.

so, we will develop report function from the data source(from EF table).

but, we only know the form template is one template make one table. don't know the workflow state map that where is the table and column. we want to know accepted or rejected state where can find the state from data table? where the column name? and If you have some better idea/advice, please tell us.

thanks very much.

Henry Hua

Enterprise Forms report field can't use Chinese

Enterprise Forms report field can't use Chinese,
When display the report field name, it's display like that "amp26469amp30005amp20869amp234", letter and number complex.

How to make the Enterprise Forms(DNN MODULE) 's Child Forms

child forms enterprise forms

How to make the Enterprise Forms(DNN MODULE) 's Child Forms

I can't find the article about child forms.

and for different role, should be different form to display .

If you fond it, or I found it , will reply this at comment.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

the error of "client actions enterprise forms".

I find the error of "client actions enterprise forms".
if in EnterPrise forms 3.5 , If I use client actions on textfield, the preview and the form is bug.

I sovle it , it's that input "OnBlurAction = alert('Hello World')" all the sentence, that's ok now.

GridView custom control that contains how to Export to Excel

GridView custom control that contains how to Export to Excel
We often use GridView Export to Excel functionality, I also have some articles prior to the introduction to do.

Today I was asked, if the template Girdview out using a custom control, then how to deal with when exported?

For example, the custom control contains a DROPDOWNLIST and three Label controls, which used to display data on the page is one of the Label control, the question now is, if not PrepareControlForExport () in the custom control to handle, then Export The Excel files used in the corresponding GridView custom control out of the contents of all the same (DROPDOWNLIST controls for the first Item), but the custom control to handle the case, do not know how to remove it in order to correct the value ( used to display the label of the value), trying to not be able to custom control into Dropdowlist and Label in any of, but the mandatory conversion if the statement will run error.

We first look at the GridView Export to Excel and open source chart tools mentioned in the development of export tools, source files can be downloaded here: Export GridView to Excel

In GridViewExportUtil.cs, the function PrepareControlForExport are like this:

/ / /
/ / / Replace any of the contained controls with literals
/ / /
/ / /
private static void PrepareControlForExport (Control control)
for (int i = 0; i
Control current = control.Controls [i];
if (current is LinkButton)
control.Controls.Remove (current);
control.Controls.AddAt (i, new LiteralControl ((current as LinkButton). Text));
else if (current is ImageButton)
control.Controls.Remove (current);
control.Controls.AddAt (i, new LiteralControl ((current as ImageButton). AlternateText));
else if (current is HyperLink)
control.Controls.Remove (current);
control.Controls.AddAt (i, new LiteralControl ((current as HyperLink). Text));
else if (current is DropDownList)
control.Controls.Remove (current);
control.Controls.AddAt (i, new LiteralControl ((current as DropDownList). SelectedItem.Text));
else if (current is CheckBox)
control.Controls.Remove (current);
control.Controls.AddAt (i, new LiteralControl ((current as CheckBox). Checked? "True": "False"));

if (current.HasControls ())
GridViewExportUtil.PrepareControlForExport (current);

This section of code is introduced to control traversal of all sub-control, for each sub-control, in accordance with sub-type of control to generate a LiteralControl, and with this son LiteralControl to replace the current control. For LinkBtton, use it to replace the text, for ImagaButton, are using it to replace the Alternate Text. Function against the LinkButton, ImageButton, HyperLink, DropDwonList, CheckBox to do a deal, if the current control is not any one of which, it has to determine whether sub-control, and recursive calls.

Back to the question before us, if there is a GridView custom control, then how do we do? In fact, the solution on the original idea to be able to determine are not custom control, use this custom control in one way or another in a hope to export the text information read out, converted to a Literal control can be.

We can write a function to deal with such a comparison is complicated, the model code is as follows:

else if (current is MyWebController)
control.Controls.Remove (current);
control.Controls.AddAt (i, GetLiteralController (current));

GetLiteralControler As for the wording, you can custom control traversal of all sub-controls, according to the characteristics of control, such as location, ID select a control, converted to Literal controls and back.

This article is an essay, recorded about ideas, not the actual test, if the question, please also pointed out that the U.S. gradually enriched.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

study DNN module that Enterprise Forms 3.5

I feel it was so complex first.
but study a day, then feel it's so sample.

find the problem, Enterprise Forms 3.5 is not availability some times. like I click the return link.

any problem have you find?

Monday, February 16, 2009

Sql 2005 express about remote access and the sa password problem

Sql 2005 express about remote access and the sa password problem 
sqlserver2005 version now more, have express version, there are enterprises such as the development of version, I used to express the current version, 
Occupied system resources, or very little, unlike the Internet said, one is running the development version, it ate more than 400 M memory, the great majority of our 
Most people, in order to take a look at sqlserver2005 new features, there is no need no formal Developer Edition installed, Express version of the small, and it 
The function of the individual spent enough. 
       Bahrain sqlserver2005 (Express version), in order to manage, you need to manage to go to the next manager, Microsoft's official website has 
Under the Manager manage installed after the procedure to connect sqlserver2005, are the following points should be noted. 
       1. Sql2005 to open remote connection features, open approach is as follows, 
            Configuration tools -> sql server configurator external applications -> services and applications connected to the external configuration device -> open the MSSQLSERVER node under the Database Engine node, the first optional "remote connection", to take over the proposed choice of "At the same time the use of TCP / IP and named pipes ", are identified, restart the database service it. 
       2. Landing settings changed, Sql server and windows Authentication mode is selected at the same time, the specific settings are as follows: 
          manage manager -> windows Authentication (the first time the way into windows), -> Object Explorer, select your database server - right-> properties> security> Sql server and windows Authentication mode is selected at the same time. 
       3: Sql server to set up a way the user name and password, the specific settings are as follows: 
     manage manager -> windows Authentication> new query> sp_password null, 'sa123456', 'sa' 
     This will set up a user name is sa, password: sa123456 of users, the next landing, you can use Sql server mode 
User name is sa, password: sa123456 users into a database. 
      4: After finishing the above steps, this Writing connection string can be a smooth entry into the database, 
         (server =. \ \ sqlexpress; uid = sa; pwd = sa123456; database = master ";

interface and abstract class distinction

Surface questions: interface and abstract class distinction 
One difference between the two not the same as the concept of expression. Abstract class is a class of things a high degree of polymerization, then the succession of abstract class for the subclass, the abstract class for example, are "yes" relationship; and the interface is the definition of a code of conduct, so for the realization of the sub-class interface for , compared with the interface is "act in accordance with the interfaces required to complete." 

Distinction between two types of abstract class in the definition of methods, they can give way to the realization of some, it may not give; As for the interface is defined by the method which can give some realize. 

Distinction between three categories of succession for the two involved in the realization of Ways are different. Class inheritance is defined for abstract class abstract methods, can be rewritten, that is to say, you can use abstract class extension of the method; interface for the definition of class methods or properties, in the inherited class must give the corresponding realize the methods and properties. 

The difference between the four, in the abstract category, add a method, then inherit class can not make any deal with; As for interface, it necessary to amend the succession of categories, providing a new definition of the method. 

Give the following easy comparison between the two forms. 

Abstract class 
Multiple inheritance 
Do not support 
Type restrictions 
Has only reference types are 
Ways to achieve 
Types of succession must give way to realize 
Class inheritance can not give 
Is too much trouble 
Relatively flexible 
Is too much trouble to use virtual function required 
More flexible

c # interface and abstract class distinction 
  U.S. will easily confuse these two, I also like listening to the teacher's design patterns Chien-Chung Lee, he is also old the abstract class as interface, I get even more confused, so to find some online information. 
       First, abstract categories: 
       Abstract class is a special category, but can not be instantiated; In addition, with other properties; important is abstract class may include abstract methods, this is not the ordinary type. Abstract methods can only be a statement in the abstract class and does not contain any realize, derived class must cover them. In addition, the abstract class can be derived from an abstract class, you can override the base class abstract method can also be not covered, if not cover, then its derived class must cover them. 

        Second, interface: 
       Interfaces are reference types, similar to categories, and the similarities between abstract class has three points: 
        One can not be instantiated; 
        2, including the method statement did not realize; 
        3, derived classes must realize unrealized methods are abstract methods of abstract class, interface is all the members (not only methods, including other members); 

        In addition, the interface has the following characteristics: 
Besides interface can contain methods, but also can contain attributes, index, and events, and these members are defined as public domain. In addition, should not contain any other members, such as: constant domain, constructor, destructor, static members. A class can directly inherit multiple interfaces, but only directly inherit a class (including the abstract class). 

       Three abstract classes and interfaces of the distinction: 
       1. Class is an abstract object can be understood as the abstract class type as an object into an abstract class is called abstract class. The interface is just a behavior or require Microsoft custom interface is always able to bring the word after paragraph, to demonstrate that their statements are a class of type "I can do more 。。。". abstract class are defined in a series of closely related categories, and the interface is the relationship between the majority of osteoporosis but to achieve a particular function category . 
       2. Interface basically does not have any specific features of the succession, it is merely a commitment to be able to call the method; 
       3. A class can realize a number of interfaces, but only the expansion of a parent class 
       4. Interface can be used to support the callback, but the succession did not have this feature. 
       5. Abstract class can not be sealed. 
       6. Abstract class to achieve the specific method defaults to false, but realize interface class interface methods are by default non-virtual, of course, you can also virtual declaration. 
       7. (Interface) with a similar non-abstract class, abstract class must also be in kind of the base class list of interfaces available to all members of its own to achieve. However, the permit will interface methods of abstract class is mapped to abstract methods. 
       8. Oop abstract class implements a principle of variable separation and can not be changed. Abstract class and interface is defined as immutable, and the variable sub-class seat to be realized. 
       9. Good interface should be defined is a specific functionality, rather than multi-function, otherwise the pollution caused by interface. If a category is only realize the interface of a function of the interface had to go to achieve the other methods, called interface pollution. 
      10. As far as possible avoid the use of inheritance to achieve the formation of functional, but the use of black-box reuse, that is the target portfolio. Because an increase in the level of inheritance, resulting in the most direct consequence is that when you call this group in a certain category, it is necessary to them all loaded into the stack! Consequences can be imagined. (Combination of understanding the principle of stack). At the same time, concerned friends have noticed that Microsoft can build a category, they often use a combination of methods of the object. For example, Medium, Page Class, Server Request has attributes such as, but in fact they are the object of a certain category. Page class used this object to call the other type of methods and properties, this is a very basic design principles. 
      11. If the abstract class realize interface, the interface methods can be mapped to the abstract class as abstract methods without having to realize, and in the abstract class to achieve the sub-class interface methods. 
       Fourth, abstract class and interface use: 
       1. If the component is expected to create multiple versions, then the creation of abstract class. Abstract class to provide easy ways to control the component version. 
       2. If the function will be to create a wide range of wide differences between the use of objects, use the interface. If you want to design small and concise functional blocks, use the interface. 
       3. If you want to design a large functional unit, then use the abstract class. If you want to realize in all the components which provide common functions have been achieved, then the use of abstract class. 
       4. Abstract class used to close the object; and interface suitable for non-related category provide a common function. 

  The following is what I have seen a few online image analogy, really good, huh, huh: 
1. The aircraft fly, birds fly, they inherit the same interface "Fly"; but F22 aircraft belonging to an abstract class, abstract class pigeons are birds. 
2. Just like the wooden doors are iron gate door (abstract class), you want a door I can not (can not be instantiated), but I can give you a concrete steel doors or wooden doors (many states); and only are able to Door, you should not say it is a window (single inheritance); a door can be locked (interface) can also have doorbell (many realize). Door (abstract class) defines what you are, interface (lock) provides what you can do (an interface can only be the best thing to do, you can not ask the lock can also sound bar (interface pollution)).

Saturday, February 14, 2009

DNN skin error settings how to restore the default skin after

DNN skin error settings how to restore the default skin after

In some cases, to download a DNN skin, after application found everything becomes a mess, you can not enter the management interface of the. After things had gone wrong skin settings how to restore the default skin it?

Although the belated action, but in the application before you click to preview a lot of trouble can be avoided.

Other method:

Use DNN a Bug, the use of Host login, enter =% 5BG% 5D/skins/dnn-blue/Horizontal% 20Menu% 20 -% 20Fixed% 20Width, of course, to into your web site URL, you can see the skin of the management page.
Quick Ways

The Portals \ _default \ Skins under the skin of your upload directory delete, DNN can not find this because the skin, will automatically use the default skin.
High Ways

DNN database to find the Skins table, empty all the contents of this table, it will restore the default settings of the skin.
If the modifications do not see results, because the cache are the reasons, in the web.config added a few spaces and then save, making reload, you can see the effects. If you are a Page Setup for the skin, it should amend the Tabs table SkinSrc or ContainerSrc part because the skin are tiered configuration, Skins Table website are saved configuration, Tabs table are saved configuration page.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Others grasp the secret psychological trick

Others grasp the secret psychological trick 

First, understanding and human nature 
Improve interpersonal communication and interpersonal skills to master the success of the first step are: the correct understanding of the human person and nature. 
Understanding of human nature and can be simply summed up as - "in accordance with the nature of people to agree with them", "agree with and look at people", rather than use their own vision to look at other people, not to impose their will on others. First of all, of their own people are interested in, rather than of interest to you! In other words - a person concerned about their own concerns than ten thousand times you. Recognizing that "people first of all concerned are their own rather than you" This is the key to life. 
Second, how to skillfully talk with others 
When you talk with people, choose the topic they are most interested. They are most interested in the topic what is it? Are their own! These words from your dictionary removed out - "I, myself, my." Use another word, a human language in the most powerful word to replace it - "you." Are you interested in on the conversation is not important, it is important whether or not your audience's interest. When you talk with people, please talk about each other and guide each other to talk about themselves. So you can become a most popular conversation partners. 
Three, how to skillfully give people the impression it important 
One of the most universal human characteristic is - eager to be recognized, eager to be understood. Interpersonal relations among you is willing to like a duck to water it? So, please try to make others aware of the importance of their own. Remember, the more you make people feel that their own importance, others return to you more. 
1. To listen to their 
2. Praise and compliment them 
3. As often as possible the use of their names and photographs 
4. In answering them, please pause a little 
5. The use of these words - "you" and "your" 
6. Sure those people who wait to see you 
7. Concern Group everyone 
Fourth, how subtly endorse others 
Do not forget that any fool can be opposed to others, and only the wise and great men will agree with - especially when the other party when mistakes! "Endorsed the art" can be summarized as the following 6 points: 
1. Institute of approval and accreditation 
2. When you agree with someone else, please say so 
3. When you do not agree with the time, do not tell them, unless a last resort 
4. When you make a mistake they must be ready to admit 
5. To avoid controversy with people 
6. The right deal with the conflict 
Agree art is rooted in -- 
1. People like to agree with them. 
2. People do not like to oppose them. 
3. People do not like to be opposed. 
Fifth, how to skillfully listen to others 
Listen more, you will become more intelligent, will be more popular, it will become a better conversation partner. Of course, to become a good listener, not an easy task, and here I have 5 o'clock recommended for reference: 
1. Monitor speaker 
2. Close to the speaker, concentrate on listening 
3. Question 
4. Do not interrupt the speaker's topic 
5. The use of the speaker's call - "you" and "your" 
Sixth, how subtly affect others 
To people in accordance with your wishes to do things the first step is to identify the reasons for them to do so (that is what they want). And others say that they want to hear things, they moved. You simply explain to them, as long as you ask them to do things to do after they get what they want. "Understanding what people want to" approach are: many asked many observations, many listen, together with unremitting efforts. 
Seven, how to skillfully convince others 

When you say something in favor of their own affairs, people usually doubt you and you said, this is a manifestation of the instinct. Is a better way: Do not directly explained, but to quote others, let others here talking to you, even if those people are not at the scene. Therefore, in order to go through a third party's mouth a speech. 
Pat, how cleverly others make decisions 
1. To tell people why to agree with you. Tell people, in accordance with what you said to do they will benefit, rather than your own benefit. 
2. Question can only be used "on" to answer. However, it should be noted that the proper question these "the" problem. In other words, when you ask such questions, should be a nod, and "you" to the beginning of your question. 
3. Let people in the two "good" by choosing one. This technique is to let them in your two "could" select a. 
4. Look forward to people you say "good", and let them know that you expect them to make an affirmative answer 
9, how to skillfully mobilize the sentiments of others 
1. Remember, any moment between the initial contacts often determines the tone of the process. 
2. Next, the use of human behavior the second basic law - People always react to others with a strong group 
Therefore, in the beginning, the moment you come into contact with eyes, before you speak before you break the silence, please show your warm smile. There will always be aware of should not, how much to pay, there is the number of returns. Do not forget, from now on, please show your smile, just like professional actors as models, and said to myself - "smile!"
Ten, how to praise others skillfully 
More generous, others commend you go! To find some people and things worthy of praise, and then commended them. 
1. To sincerely 
2. Commends the act itself, rather than pay tribute to people
Must pay tribute to the specific - to targeted. Happiness Formula - a daily habit of the people pay tribute to three different habits. You may feel that to do so, you how happy he is! When you see others do so to bring happiness, joy and gratitude, you will also find their own happiness. 
Eleven, how subtly criticize others 
1. Criticisms must be made to get along in a separate 
2. Criticized the former must give a little praise or compliment 
3. Criticism, do not target people, to criticize an act, but do not criticize a person 
4. To provide answers 
5. Seek cooperation rather than command 
6. A mistake, one criticism 
7. Ending friendly way to criticize 
Twelve, how clever to thank others 
Only in their own hearts gratitude, appreciation of others is not enough, should be grateful that you, the feelings of appreciation to those who deserve your gratitude to express. 
1. Attitude to sincerely 
2. A clear, natural expression of 
3. Watching you appreciate the other side 
4. Thanks to say each other's name when 
5. Make every effort to thank 
Thirteen, how cleverly to leave a good impression on others 
If you want beautiful, beautiful up on their own first. If you want other people's appreciation to you, admire you, respect you, you must feel you are worthy to receive this honor. Proud for your own bar (but do not own!) As your own, for your career, for your work environment and proud; not for you the current situation and the inadequacy and inferiority. You are your own - to respect themselves, to feel proud for themselves. 
1. In good faith 
2. To warm 
3. No need to over-hasty 
4. Do not belittle someone else to raise their own through 
5. Do not crack down on anyone, anything 
14. How skillfully speak 
1. Understand you said the contents of 
2. Having said that, on the cessation of 
3. To speak, please watch the audience 
4. To talk about some of the audience interested in the topic
5. Do not try to lecture

Monday, February 9, 2009

Political, economic, science and technology the new theory

Political, economic, science and technology the new theory 
May be able to apply the "Second life, second-sheng three, Sansheng things," then, as to, how three of the Second Health, I also do not quite understand the true meaning. Here, I is used meaning "for access to the economy, may have two ways, one being political, and the other is technology. The political, economic, science and technology constitute the basic social." 
If it is not like dealing with people, but also happy to look at the truth, to explore the nature of the hard things of people, then an early age in order to foster scientific and technological talents as a goal is appropriate. 
If it is good long handle interpersonal relationships, and likes to study people and human relations with other things, then suitable to do with politics. 
Treatment between people, to make it economic.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Wen at Cambridge university: with the development of speech eyes"

The core clew: Chinese premier wen jiabao has 2 at Cambridge university in England, he urged everyone speech "with the development of China, and look," said China will make peace, learning and cooperative powers, "strong country will bully" is not suitable for China.

The local time on February 2nd, is coming to an end at visit and travel to Europe by Chinese premier wen jiabao visits by university of Cambridge, through the snow students to warm welcome. Some students even hit Chinese slogan: "I love baby." Arriving ZhangShuo reporter

Xinhuanet Cambridge, UK, feb. 2-2, Chinese premier wen jiabao at Cambridge university in England, in deep to publish scholars were briefly introduced the history of China's reform and opening up, urged everyone "with the development of China's" look.

"I love the motherland, old and young, and chastened and self-improvement, cherished tradition and open compatible with his poem," wen told phonetically language passionately. He carefully to everyone, "the kingdom will be strong, not suitable for China". "Seek hegemony, contrary to our traditional culture, also against Chinese people will not damage. The development of China, nor any threat to anyone. China will make peaceful country, learning and cooperative powers, devoted to building a harmonious world".

Wen jiabao said that different countries, different ethnic culture, need to respect each other and mutual understanding and learning from each other. "Today, China has 3 million people are learning English, more than 100 million young people in abroad... because of our good in communication studies, in reference to learn Chinese, the prosperity and progress today." He pledged that China will always adhere to the open policy, and the world of harmonious development, hand in hand advances. At the same time, also called on everyone in the information age, the multivariate, with the development of China for a look at China. In the world of spread about financial crisis, premier wen jiabao on current economic system to review and theoretical.

For example, he said the 1990s, some economies, some financial institutions neglect by benefit drive, use of financial leverage on several times in excess financing, up profits at the same time, the huge risks for the whole world.

He said: "the international financial crisis, told us once again by the market economy is destined to manage work. Must be well handled financial innovation and financial supervision, virtual economy and economic entity of saving and consumption, and the relationship."

Premier wen jiabao stressed, effectively deal with the crisis, still must attach great importance to moral action. He thinks, morality is the financial crisis caused a deep-rooted reasons. "Some people, infringe upon the public interests, cultivating their lost moral bottom line." Wen hope corporate social responsibility, the entrepreneur to flow "moral blood".

Looking to the future, wen said, with the global financial crisis, the need to promote cooperation. All over the world to deal with the international monetary and financial system reform, to build a fair and justice, tolerance and orderly international financial order, trying to build a conducive to the development of global economic system environment.

About &sino-european relations, wen jiabao said, central cooperation has stood in a new historical starting point, the central cooperation solid, bright prospect. He also wants more people can like Cambridge in exchange for made important contributions of alumni Joseph Needham, focus on China, do the friendly messenger in English communication.

[China] wen Cambridge university lecture thrown shoes (figure/video) * denounced the trick

[China] wen Cambridge university lecture thrown shoes (figure/video) * denounced the trick
According to the report, Chinese premier wen jiabao announced at Cambridge university lecture was interrupted emergencies. A young man to face west wen threw shoes, and screamed: "this is!" .

This is the five countries in Europe, premier wen jiabao of the last day of speech. Shoes were thrown to the auditorium back, but only to return from wen one meter of the podium.

Security personnel will he show hall from university of blasthole corner. He was taken out when others: "stand up incite protest!" . But the other answering his audience, "either!" And he called out.

After a pause in wen, premier wen jiabao said quietly: "teachers, students and the mean trick stop Sino-British friendly tide". The audience to premier wen is very warm of applause.

Afterwards, premier wen to finish his speech. Previously, including supporters and critics of 80 people in this assembly.


Saturday, January 31, 2009

Replace host PWD to m2land user

 -- Database Utility ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Description : Reset a Password in a DotNetNuke database
 Author : Tony Tullemans
 Date Created : 18.04.2007
 Note/s : Before you run this script you must know the UserName and Password of another
 registered DNN user in the database you wish to affect.
DECLARE @databaseName VARCHAR(128)
SELECT @databaseName = DB_NAME()
PRINT '-----------------------------' + REPLICATE('-'DATALENGTH(@databaseName ));
DECLARE @knownUserName NVARCHAR(128)
DECLARE @lostUserName NVARCHAR(128)
DECLARE @knownPassword NVARCHAR(128)
DECLARE @knownSalt NVARCHAR(128)
SET @knownUserName = 'm2land'
SET @lostUserName = 'host'
SELECT @knownPassword = Password, @knownSalt = PasswordSalt
FROM aspnet_Membership
INNER JOIN aspnet_users
ON aspnet_Membership.UserId = aspnet_users.UserId
where UserName = @knownUserName;
PRINT 'Known Password for "' + @knownUserName + '" is : ' + @knownPassword
PRINT 'Known Password Salt for "' + @knownUserName + '" is : ' + @knownSalt
SELECT @lostUserId = aspnet_Membership.UserId
FROM aspnet_Membership
INNER JOIN aspnet_users
ON aspnet_Membership.UserId = aspnet_users.UserId
WHERE UserName = @lostUserName;
PRINT 'UserID for "' + @lostUserName + '" is : ' + @lostUserId
IF (DATALENGTH(@lostUserName<= 0 OR @lostUserName IS NULL)
PRINT 'Invalid Lost User Name ' + @lostUserName
IF (DATALENGTH(@knownUserName<= 0 OR @knownUserName IS NULL)
PRINT 'Invalid Lost User Name ' + @lostUserName
IF (DATALENGTH(@knownPassword<= 0 OR @knownPassword IS NULL)
PRINT 'Invalid Known Password ' + @knownPassword
IF (DATALENGTH(@knownSalt<= 0 OR @knownSalt IS NULL)
PRINT 'Invalid Known Salt ' + @knownSalt
SELECT left(UserName, 12as UserName, aspnet_Membership.UserId, left(Email, 20as Email, Password, PasswordSalt
FROM aspnet_Membership INNER JOIN aspnet_users ON aspnet_Membership.UserId = aspnet_users.UserId
WHERE UserName IN ( @knownUserName@lostUserName );
PRINT 'Changing Password for User Id : "' + @lostUserId + '" to "' + @knownPassword + '"'
UPDATE aspnet_Membership
SET Password = @knownPassword,
= @knownSalt
-- SELECT UserId, Password, PasswordSalt
 FROM aspnet_Membership
WHERE UserId = @lostUserId;
SELECT left(UserName, 12as UserName, aspnet_Membership.UserId, left(Email, 20as Email, Password, PasswordSalt
FROM aspnet_Membership INNER JOIN aspnet_users ON aspnet_Membership.UserId = aspnet_users.UserId
WHERE UserName IN ( @knownUserName@lostUserName );

PRINT ' * * * END OF SCRIPT * * *'

Need Study some article about ExtJS/WCF/LINQ

Need Study some article about ExtJS/WCF/LINQ
I like these articles, and I will study them later.

So, I record them in here: